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Climate crisis: 6 million join global protests
September 27, 2019

Six million people have taken to the streets over the past week, uniting across timezones, cultures and generations to demand urgent action on the escalating ecological emergency.

A fresh wave of climate strikes swept around the globe on Friday with an estimated 2 million people walking out of schools and workplaces.

Organisers say that during the week of protests that began with a global climate strike last week a total of 6 million people, from trade unionists to schoolchildren, have taken part in thousands of towns and cities.

This week was a demonstration of the power of our movement, said a spokesperson for the FridaysForFuture group which has helped coordinate the demonstrations. People power is more powerful than the people in power. It was the biggest ever climate mobilisation, and its only the beginning. The momentum is on our side and we are not going anywhere.

On Friday there were huge protests in Italy where more than 1 million people were reported to have taken part Spain, the Netherlands and New Zealand, where more than 3.5% of the countrys population joined the demonstrations.

Organisers said they were expecting more people to join as the day progressed. High turnouts were expected in Canada, where Greta Thunberg who kickstarted the school strike movement with a solo protest in Sweden 12 months ago was due to join demonstrators in Montreal.
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