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PM deserves respect when he represents India abroad: Tharoor
September 22, 2019

Senior Congress leader Shashi Tharoor, who is a strong critic of the Modi-led government, on Sunday said the prime minister deserves respect when he visits foreign countries as India's representative, but when he is in
the country, people have the right to question him.

On the row over a common language for India, the Lok Sabha MP from Kerala said he was in favour of a three-language formula (promoting multilingual communicative abilities).

"The prime minister deserves respect in foreign countries as (there) he is a representative of our nation. But when he is in India, we have the right to ask him questions," Tharoor said.

On the issue of one common language in the country, he said the BJP's ideology of promoting Hindi, Hinduism and Hindustan is "dangerous" for our country.

"We need to carry on the three-language formula," he said.

-- PTI
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