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Deve Gowda says JD-S will face future polls alone
September 16, 2019

Days after indicating that his party was still open for continuing its alliance with the Congress, JD-S patriarch H D Deve Gowda on Monday spoke about going it alone, as he predicted mid-term polls in Karnataka.

"There are chances of mid-term polls in the state. If they come, let's contest independently without going for an alliance with anyone," Gowda was quoted as saying in a statement by his office.

"Will not still commit that mistake. Let's face all the elections independently," he said.

After engaging in a blame game over the collapse of their coalition government, Gowda on Thursday indicated his party was still open for continuing its alliance with the Congress.
He had hinted that he was open for an alliance with the Congress in 17 assembly constituencies, where bypolls have been necessitated following the disqualification of rebel MLAs, but said it all depended on the decision of the national party's interim president Sonia Gandhi.
Gowda and Congress strongman in the state Siddaramaiah had recently blamed each other for the collapse of the H D Kumaraswamy led coalition government in July after it was rocked by dissidence.
-- PTI
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