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Terrorism responsible for complex situation in Kashmir: Visiting EU MPs
October 30, 2019
Another update on the EU delegation in Srinagar: 

The European Union parliamentary delegation on Wednesday said "terrorism" might be a cause behind unrest in the valley. Speaking to ANI, the members, who were part of the delegation visiting Jammu and Kashmir to assess the ground situation in the region following the Centre's decision to strip the region of its special status under Article 370 of the Constitution on August 5, also expressed hope that Indian government will take measures to resolve the issues in the region.

British Brexit Party politician Nathan Gill said that the people of Jammu and Kashmir support Central government's decision of abrogation of Article 370.

"I have an amazing experience in Kashmir. We had an opportunity yesterday to talk with a few people in Kashmir. I think the general feeling in Kashmir was that it is a right move for Kashmir. The people want to get on with their lives. They want to be able to trade make a living," he said.

MEP James Heappey extended his support to the Indian government and said, "I think the reality is that things are complicated on the ground. It is indicated from the amount of security that was needed for us that there are still issues on the ground," the Burnham-On-Sea MP said.

"I think we are supportive of what the Indian government is doing to bring peace because that is what everybody wants," he added.

Thierry Mariani said that the trip was short but interesting. The Euro-MP for France's National Rally said that the problem of Kashmir is terrorism."The problem of Kashmir is terrorism. It is a marvelous place in India. It has everything to grow. Maybe it's a statute, maybe its terrorists or maybe it's both... I think. All of that makes the situation completely frozen," Mariani said. --ANI
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