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President Kovind embarks on 7-day visit to Philippines, Japan
October 17, 2019

President Ram Nath Kovind on Thursday departed for an official seven-day visit to the Philippines and Japan with an aim to expand the bilateral cooperation between the two countries.

The highlights of the visit would be the President attending the enthronement ceremony of new Japanese Emperor Naruhito and unveiling the bust of Mahatama Gandhi at the Center of peace education at a college in Philippines' capital Manila.Kovind will arrive in Manila on the first leg of the tour. 

The five-day-long visit has been organised at the invitation of Philippines President Rodrigo Roa Duterte and will carry forward the high-level engagements between the two countries.The relations of New Delhi with Manila have been friendly. 

The economic relationship between the two countries has been growing and trade stands at USD 2.3 billion dollars.Kovind will receive a ceremonial guard of honour at Malacanang Palace. The President will lay a wreath at a memorial of Jose Rizal, who is the national hero of the Philippines.The one-to-one talks between Kovind and Duterte will be followed by delegation-level talks. -- ANI
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