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To attain normalcy in Kashmir, Shah directs BJP leaders to touch base with prominent people
October 08, 2019

In an effort to bring normalcy to Kashmir in the wake of revocation of its special constitutional status, Union Home Minister Amit Shah has directed the BJP leaders to reach out to the prominent people in the region.

A source privy to the aforementioned direction said that the leaders have been asked to reach out to Maulvis, traders, hoteliers and people in the tourism industry. The decision came in the aftermath of a high-level meeting chaired by Shah with Kashmir BJP leaders in New Delhi on Monday.

Under the outreach program, the leaders will touch bases with the prominent people of civil society, associations, NGOs, religious and social leaders of the valley.

The programme has been planned to initiate the development in the region which has been affected by the extremism, according to the sources.

"The outreach programme aims to open the educational institutions and bring government employees back to offices and tourism sector back in operations," it stated.

By initiating these steps, the party hopes to regain the lost ground in the valley and strengthen its economic condition.

Apart from opening the educational institutions at the earliest, the government also wants to improve the participation of the local population in Panchayat and local civic body polls likely to be conducted soon, sources added.

-- ANI
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