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Pak activated 20 terror camps along LoC
October 08, 2019

Pakistan has activated at least 20 terror camps and another 20 launch pads along the Line of Control with increased efforts to ensure infiltration of as many terrorists as it can into Jammu and Kashmir before the onset of winter, officials said on Tuesday.
The terror training camps and launch pads, with at least 50 terrorists in each, were activated after these were temporarily shut down following the bombing of a CRPF bus in Pulwama in February and subsequent retaliatory bombing of terror camps in Balakot by the Indian Air Force.

Pakistani agencies were desperately looking to carry out spectacular terror attacks in Jammu and Kashmir and even in the hinterlands following the abrogation of the special status given to Jammu and Kashmir under Article 370 and its bifurcation into two Union Territories, a security official said quoting intelligence inputs.

Since the terrorists have not been able to carry out any major attack, the Pakistani agencies were trying hard to push as many terrorists as they can into Jammu and Kashmir.

"We have intelligence inputs that Pakistan has activated at least 20 terror training camps and another 20 launch pads with about 50 terrorists in each. All these terrorists will infiltrate through LoC wherever and whenever there are opportunities," the official said.

Even though the security forces remain on high alert and have enhanced their vigil along the border, many terrorists have been able to infiltrate in recent weeks.

Director General of Jammu and Kashmir Police Dilbag Singh has said 200 to 300 terrorists are active in the state and Pakistan has intensified cross-border firing to push in as many of them as possible before the onset of winter.

-- PTI
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