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Unseasonal showers sweep away harvested crops in Maharashtra
November 01, 2019

Expect foodgrain prices to go up.

The recent unseasonal rains have destroyed the harvested crops across the Maharashtra and farmers have suffered heavy losses, said caretaker Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis on Friday after chairing a meeting to take stock of the situation.

Earlier today, Fadnavis held a meeting with the district collectors to discuss the current situation and work accordingly.

"Maharashtra has witnessed unseasonal and unprecedented rains recently, due to which the farmers have suffered a huge loss across the state. I also held a meeting today with the district collectors and the officers of the Indian IMD to discuss this issue," said Fadnavis.

"Four big cyclones have hit the state in the past four months. Due to Kyarr cyclone, Maharashtra witnessed heavy rains in the last two weeks of October. The harvested crops have been destroyed largely. Lakhs of hectares of farmlands have been destroyed in 335 tehsils," he added.

Fadnavis further asserted that the respective authorities and administration have been directed to take on-field stock of the situation. "We are preparing the records to give compensation to the farmers. We have also sensitised insurance companies. The insurance companies would not be able to reach so many places hence the government machinery which is evaluating the extent of damage," said Fadnavis.

"In case the government authorities are unable to reach the affected villages on time, the villagers can upload the photograph of the affected areas and that would be taken as a proof to help the affected farmers. We will also seek help from the central government," he added.

Fadnavis also stated that a meeting of cabinet sub-committee will be called tomorrow to discuss the prevailing problem. ANI

Image: NCP chief Sharad Pawar at a rally in Satara in October ahead of the Maharashtra polls. The 78-year-old stalwart continued his speech as unseasonal rains drenched him to the skin. 
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