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Need electricians, plumbers, carpenters to bring Kerala to its feet: Alphons
August 20, 2018

Flood-ravaged Kerala needs electricians, plumbers, and carpenters to bring it back to normalcy, Union minister K J Alphons said today.
At least 216 people have lost their lives in the floods and landslides triggered by 10 days of torrential rainfall in the state which has displaced over 7.24 lakh people. They have now been sheltered in 5,645 relief camps. 
"There'll be no electricity in homes. Carpentry, plumbing would be gone. We need hundreds and thousands of electricians, plumbers and carpenters to rush to Kerala. People with technical capabilities are required to put life back into Kerala," tweeted the Union minister for tourism. 
Earlier today, both Rajya Sabha Chairman Venkaiah Naidu and Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan jointly appealed to parliamentarians to contribute "generously" from their MPLADS funds for relief and rehabilitation works in flood-ravaged Kerala.
The two also appealed to the lawmakers to consider "donating" a month's salary for the cause. 
Relief items including ration, clothing and sanitary items being distributed to flood victims. A medical camp has been set up for people requiring urgent treatment at Challakudi, Thrissur, Kerala, the government said today. -- PTI  
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