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Choksi's crimes occurred under UPA, Modi govt exposed them: BJP
August 03, 2018

The Bharatiya Janata Party today claimed that it was the Narendra Modi-led government which exposed the alleged crimes of fugitive businessmen Mehul Choksi and Nirav Modi which they committed during the tenure of the United Progressive Alliance government.

Hitting back at the Congress over its allegation of the government's complicity in the escape of Choksi, BJP spokesperson Anil Baluni said the fugitive's lawyer had also claimed in a statement that he had links with 'big leaders' of the opposition party.

"The Congress is levelling baseless allegations against the BJP to deflect the charge it is facing over its senior leaders' links with him. The people, however, are convinced that we exposed Choksi's crimes he committed during the UPA government," he claimed.        -- PTI
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