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Modi strongest leader since Independence: Amit Shah
March 11, 2017

BJP President and the man who engineered the party's mega win in UP, addressing the press conference thanks party workers and voters for the win. Highlights...

"I thank voters and party workers in all states. Results are in favour of the BJP. We will give politics a new direction.  BJP has got nearly 3/4th majority in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand - possibly the largest since independence. This has been a historic mandate. This is the win of PM Modi's leadership. We have to accept the fact that Narendra Modi is the most popular leader of the country. People have supported Modi's version. Modi's pro-poor win earned us a victory. The electorate have given a befitting reply to our naysayers.  UP result has rejected caste politics, dynasty politics and appeasement politics. It's  beginning of era of politics of performance. his is a victory of the people. Will form government in Manipur and Goa too. This victory is an answer to those who levelled personal allegations against PM Modi & BJP. PM will be felicitated at 6 pm tomorrow at party HQ. PM @narendramodi has emerged as the tallest leader in the country and even BJP's political rivals have to admit it.| I can understand the state of mind of #Mayawati ji right now. Hence,I don't want to comment on it (EVM tampering). Move past Hindu-Muslim, a voter is a voter; politics of development should take place.  We accept the defeat in Punjab. PM @narendrmodi has already congratulated Capt Amarinder for victory. It's the end of communal politics. Nationalisation of banks was a big move. It was the PM who made it possible for the poor to have accounts in those banks."
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