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Kanhaiya joins DU march, preaches non-violence
February 28, 2017

JNU student Kanhaiya Kumar, out on bail in a sedition case, today joined the anti-ABVP march at
the Delhi University demanding "non-violence" on campuses even as ABVP members raised "go back Kanhaiya" slogans.

The protest march by students and teachers of various universities came after widespread violence between ABVP and AISA members on February 22 at the DU's Ramjas College.

The clashes took place over cancellation of an invite to JNU students Umar Khalid and Shehla Rashid for addressing a seminar at the College.

Kanhaiya, who led the protesters in shouting his traditional "azaadi" slogans, clarified at the march that he wasn't participating in the protest as a "JNU student or Leftist" but as a student like others who are demanding "non-violence on university campuses".
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