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May asks public to trust her decision on snap poll
April 19, 2017

British Prime Minister Theresa May today appealed to the public to trust her decision to call for an early general election on June 8, saying the move will strengthen her hand in the complex Brexit negotiations.

Her plea came as MPs prepare to vote on the motion in the House of Commons. The move is expected to receive the two-thirds majority it requires for May to overturn the UK's Fixed Term Parliaments Act, which would have seen an election being held only in 2020.

"I trust the British public. I am asking them to put their trust in me and if they do that, if they give me a mandate for these negotiations for the plan for Brexit that the Government has, the plan for a stronger Britain beyond Brexit that we have, then I think that will strengthen our hand," 61-year-old May said.

"I genuinely came to this decision reluctantly having looked at the circumstances and having looked ahead at the process of negotiation. I want this country to be able to play the strongest hand possible in those negotiations and be in a position to get the best possible deal. That is in our long- term interest. That is what this is about," she said.

The Prime Minister had stunned the UK when she called for a snap poll in an announcement yesterday.
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