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More youths from South Kashmir join militant camps post Burhan's killing
September 11, 2016

A considerable number of Kashmiri youths, especially from South Kashmir, have been missing and are believed to have joined the ranks of militant groups after the killing of Hizbul Mujahideen militant Burhan Wani  in July this year.
A conglomerate of four districts -- Pulwama, Kulgam, Shopian and Anantnag, which has seen an uprising since Wani was killed in an encounter with security forces on July 8, is believed to have accounted for the disappearance of nearly 80 youths in past two months with majority from Pulwama district, sources in the know said.
According to the intercepts of militants groups and some sketchy intelligence inputs gathered from the ground in South Kashmir, youths were mainly moving towards Hizbul Mujahideen militant group with a few attracted to banned Lashker-e-Taiba, they said.
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