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What's making news today
November 24, 2016
* Today is the last day to use old 500 & 1000 rupee currency notes

* Earthquake of 3.5 magnitude occurred in Myanmar-India border near Manipur region at  01:28 am today

* Delhi: Junior doctors of AIIMS go on strike over assault cases of the doctors in the hospital, demand security be increased for them

* Home Minister Rajnath Singh to meet all party floor leaders today at 10am.

* SBI has slashed bulk deposit rates by up to 1.9 per cent taking advantage of the surge in deposits following demonetisation. New rates effective from today.

* UK government's changes to its visa policy for non-EU nationals aimed at curbing its soaring immigration figures will come into force from today, which will affect a large number of Indians especially IT professionals. Under the new visa rules, applications made on or after November 24 under the Tier 2 intra-company transfer category would be required to meet a higher salary threshold requirement of 30,000 pounds (over Rs 25 lakh) from the earlier 20,800 pounds (over Rs 17 lakh).

* Bureaucratic Reshuffle: 19 new secretaries appointed in various departments.
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