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SC to hear detailed affidavit on Mallya assets
November 24, 2016
The Supreme Court will hear the detailed affidavit about the assets of liquor baron Vijay Mallya on Thursday.

The top court division bench passed the order earlier last month after hearing a detailed argument from Attorney General Mukul Rohtagi and Mallya's lawyer Vaidyanathan.

A division bench of the apex court, headed by Justice Kurian Joseph and Justice Rohinton Fali Nariman, passed the direction to the beleaguered businessman, who had allegedly failed to repay the loan amount to various banks.

The apex court also sought details of the utilization of the money which Mallya had received from Diageo on February 25.

The top court was dissatisfied with the previous affidavit and said, "Prima facie it appears that he didn't make appropriate disclosure. You have received money in February and court notice was sent to you in April. You had to disclose the assets and bank details up to March 31. $40 million had gone in exactly in 40 days. We wanted to know where and how the money has been utilised."
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