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You have to 'fight fire with fire: Donald Trump on terror
June 29, 2016
Donald Trump on Tuesday prescribed fighting "fire with fire" when it comes to battling terrorism, seemingly making the case for using similarly brutal tactics as terror groups like ISIS have in the past.

The GOP's presumptive nominee has been outspoken on enhanced interrogation, telling Tuesday's enthusiastic crowd once again that he doesn't think waterboarding is "tough enough" and that it's "peanuts" compared to what terrorists have done in the past. 

Trump lamented being limited by laws when fighting terror, allowing that waterboarding is "not the nicest thing," but advocating for its use when "the enemy" is "chopping off people's heads."

"You have to fight fire with fire," Trump decided. "We have to be so strong. We have to fight so viciously. And violently because we're dealing with violent people viciously."

The entire speech can be read HERE.
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