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PM on Kashmir: Youths who should be given laptops, handed stones
August 09, 2016

PM Modi launches 'Yaad Karo Kurbani' celebrations in MP to mark 70 years of Independence and the Quit India Movement anniversary. Highlights...

-- PM breaks his 'silence' on Kashmir. Calls on youth of Kashmir, lets make Kashmir a heaven on earth once again.

-- I want to thank the nation, I want to thank Congress that we all very maturely made attempts to deal with the situation in Kashmr.

-- Every Indian desires to go to Kashmir, every Indian loves Kashmir.

-- We are the people who walk the path that Atal Bihari Vajpayee took when it comes to Kashmir.

-- Kashmir, which we give so much love to, some people there are causing it a lot of harm.

-- The freedom that every Indian has also belongs to every Kashmiri.

-- We want the same bright future for every youth in Kashmir. Youths should have laptops, volleyball in hands, dreams in their eyes, instead stones are handed to them. 

-- We are those who see development as solution of problems. But there are some who see destruction as solution.

-- Our flag inspires the people to change the future of India. It inspires desh-bhakti in us: 
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