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Modi meets Jordan king, discusses IS threat
September 26, 2015

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has acknowledged that the dreaded terror group Islamic State poses one of the greatest challenges facing the international community today and said there is a need to "delink terrorism from religion".   

During a meeting with King Abdullah of Jordan on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly session, Modi discussed ways to prevent radicalisation of youth and to counteract extremist messaging, external affairs ministry spokesman Vikas Swarup said after the meeting yesterday.   

"Both leaders acknowledged that ISIS was one of the greatest challenges facing the international community. The prime minister said that there is a need to delink terrorism from religion," Swarup said.   

Modi said the only way to combat international terrorism and the menace of organisations like IS (also known as ISIS) was to have a global response.   

He specially referred to the long pending proposal of a comprehensive convention on international terrorism, saying the time has now come for the international community to speak on one voice on this important issue and adopt this global convention.   

Modi and King Abdullah also discussed the UN Security Council reforms.
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