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Lalu to meet Mulayam 24 hours after SP quit 'Grand Alliance'
September 04, 2015

Just in: A day after the Mulayam Singh-led Samajwadi Party broke off from anti-BJP 'grand alliance' over seat sharing, RJD chief Lalu Prasad Yadav said that he will "meet Netaji today and will resolve whatever misunderstanding is there."

The nascent 'Grand Alliance' on Thursday suffered a blow ahead of the Bihar assembly polls with Samajwadi Party storming out of it, saying it felt humiliated at being allotted a paltry five seats and deciding to contest the elections on its own.

"In Bihar, the party will contest separately. The bigger parties in the alliance did not consult us while declaring seats due to which the SP felt humiliated. This is not the gathbandhan dharma, SP general secretary Ram Gopal Yadav told reporters in Lucknow.

The decision to walk out of the coalition was taken at a meeting of SP parliamentary board in the presence of party chief Mulayam Singh Yadav, who had brokered peace between Nitish Kumar and Rashtriya Janata Dal supremo Lalu Prasad and succeeded in persuading the latter to accept the Bihar chief minister as the secular alliances chief ministerial candidate.

The development, coming weeks ahead of the high-stakes electoral battle may split the secular votes being eyed by the Janata Dal-United-Rashtriya Janata Dal-Congress combine.

However, president Sharad Yadav put up a brave face, claiming differences with Samajwadi Party will be sorted out and the alliance will remain intact.

Thursdays development may also put into jeopardy the proposed merger of six splintered parties of the erstwhile Janata Parivar into one political entity. These parties-- SP, RJD, JD-U, Janata Dal-Secular, Indian National Lok Dal and Samajwadi Janata Party -- had in April this year announced a merger, which they had said, would be formalised after the Bihar elections.
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