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Nitish to lead JD-U fast on land acquisition bill
March 08, 2015
Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar will lead JD-U leaders and workers while observing a 24-hour fast in the state on March 14 protesting against the land acquisition bill and other policies of the NDA government at the Centre.

The JD-U has decided to observe 24-hour fast on March 14 next to protest against the NDA government's land acquisition bill and other policies having wider ramification for the country and its people, party's state unit president Bashistha Narayan Singh told reporters.

The party functionaries will observe the fast at the party office in Patna, he said. Simultaneously, party workers will observe fast at the district and block levels on the same day to apprise the people about the pitfalls of the land acquisition bill, Singh said.

The JD-U will also formulate a host of agitational programmes in future to sustain its campaign against the NDA government on a host of issues affecting the people, he said.
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