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'Boko Haram' dismisses Nigeria military claims of success: new video
June 02, 2015

Boko Haram rejected claims from Nigeria's military that it has been routed by a four-nation offensive in a video released online on Tuesday, which does not show the group's leader, Abubakar Shekau.

The unidentified speaker calls Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad and Niger, who have been battling the Islamists, "the lying coalition partners".

"Most of our territory is still under our control," said the speaker, whose face is not shown in the 10-minute message posted on YouTube.

The video bears the logo "Islamic State in West Africa" and follows the Nigerian militants' pledge of allegiance in March to the IS group, that has overrun large parts of Syria and Iraq.

The message is the first video released by Boko Haram since February, when Shekau was shown in high definition footage and vowed to disrupt Nigeria's elections.

Read full story HERE.
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