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Bill Clinton, Monica Lewinsky in an ad for pens in Hong Kong
June 02, 2015

Stabilo, a company that makes highlighter pens, tries to make a mark with this strange advertisement featuring former US president Bill Clinton and a White House intern, Monica Lewinsky.

We could safely assume that neither Mr Clinton nor Ms Lewinsky,
a. has signed up for the ad.
b. it could earn the company a painful rap on the knuckles from either or both, if not more.

The ad which was features in a Hong Kong advertisement was shared by Gerry Doyle of the International New York Times on Monday and was reported by

The picture used in the ad is a graphic rendering of a photograph taken in 1995 showing Lewinsky, then a White House intern, meeting President Clinton. It was in fact submitted as evidence during the Ken Starr investigation.

So, what does the tag line of the ad read: "Once marked, forever remembered."

Kinda catchy.
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