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RSS pracharak Sanjay Joshi on the comeback trail?
January 12, 2015
Is Sanjay Joshi, whose fallout with Narendra Modi is famous and who was shunted out of the BJP in 2012, on a comeback trail? 

'Hoardings of the former BJP general secretary Sanjay Joshi, along with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, have surfaced in Lucknow announcing that the former will take part in a 'Swachh Bharat Abiyaan' programme on January 14,' reports Sandeep Joshi in The Hindu, setting off speculation that Joshi may indeed stage a ghar wapsi of another kind.

The hoardings, put up by something called the Jagrook Matdata Manch which is organising the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan in Lucknow, have come up in at least six prominent locations in the city, reports the newspaper.   

This was not the only event that Joshi has been joining in, apparently. There have been other important functions organised by the RSS in which he was seen, leading BJP insiders to believe that his exile may soon be over. 

Modi's and Joshi's power tussle goes back to the time when both were RSS 'pracharaks'; while Joshi became the national general secretary, Modi was made Gujarat chief minister in 2002, but the hostilities between them never ceased. Modi had the last laugh, when Joshi was shunted back to the RSS as a 'pracharak'. 

All this, of course, may soon be a thing of the past.

You can read the full report here.
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