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India says it was appropriately represented at Paris solidarity march
January 12, 2015

India today reaffirmed that it was with those who condemned the attacks in Paris and said it was"appropriately" represented at the solidarity march yesterday, which was attended by many world leaders.   

"The Government of India was invited... Our ambassador participated in that like majority of countries who were represented there. This was purely in terms of our logistical requirements at that stage."   

"Given that we have vociferously condemned the situation.The external affairs has written to her counterpart Laurent Fabius and the prime minister has spoken to President of France (Franois Hollande) and was among the early ones to condemn it. Make no mistake, our views are very forthright and clear. We are on the side of those condemn this barbaric incident," the official spokesperson in the External Affairs Ministry said.

Photos: At historic Paris march, world leaders show the way
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