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Modi opens Science Congress; says he is humbled by scientists' work
January 03, 2015
The 102nd session of Indian Science Congress was inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday at the University of Mumbai.

Addressing the gathering, Modi said: "Our children should see role models in scientists as much as sportsmen. I would personally love to meet the best of our young scientists. We should draw inspiration from our achievements in the last decade. We need to put science and technology and innovation at the top of our national priorities."

"I feel humbled by the work that scientists do. And, I find science and technology an invaluable ally in governance and development. Human civilization has advanced because of the basic human spirit of enquiry and quest for understanding our universe and world. It is a search driven by the belief in what our Vedas described as, Satye Sarvam Pratishthitam -- everything is established in truth." 

"Science may be the product of human brain. But, it is also driven by the compassion of human heart -the desire to make human life better We have here with us Nobel Laureates, whose work in science has given new hope against dreaded diseases."
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