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BJP hits back at Cong, says it's advocating cause of terrorists
January 03, 2015
BJP today hit back at Congress for asking the government to 'come clean' on Pakistani boat issue and accused the opposition party of advocating the cause of terrorists and being soft on terror due to its "vote-bank politics". 

"There is nothing new in the Congress speaking the language of terrorists. Congress has a history of advocating the cause of terrorists, be it those creating terror within the country or emanating from Pakistan. Congress is soft on terror due to its vote-bank politics," BJP national secretary Shrikant Sharma said.

He said soon after coming to power in 2004 one of the first actions of the Congress government was to abolish the Prevention of Terrorism Act and later tried to divert the attention of people of the country from terror on incidents like the Bhatla House encounter, the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks, the Bodhgaya and Patna bomb blasts.
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