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US Navy's new USD 360 million warship breaks down
December 15, 2015
One of US Navy's newest warships, costing a whopping USD 360 million, has broke down less than a month after it was commissioned, prompting calls for a thorough probe into the "alarming" incident.

The Littoral Combat Ship USS Milwaukee broke down last Thursday, days after the ship's crew discovered "fine metallic debris in the port combining gear filter system," the Navy said in a news release.

The crew later discovered similar debris in the ship's oil filter. The Navy described the breakdown as a "loss of propulsion." The ship had to be towed more than 40 nautical miles (74 km) to port after it broke down. The ship, commissioned on November 21, is now undergoing a full inspection in Little Creek, Virginia. The breakdown happened as the ship was on its way to its home port of San Diego after it was commissioned in Milwaukee.
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