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ISIS issues fatwa to kill disabled children
December 15, 2015

ISIS has issued a fatwa to kill children suffering with Down's Syndrome. The Sharia Board of the deranged Islamic State group issued an oral fatwa to "kill newborn babies born with disabilities, with Down syndrome and congenital deformities," the Mosul Eye reported.

Mosul Eye is the pseudonym of a local historian who has been secretly documenting IS' activities in a blog since the militants overran the city of Mosul.

The group has confirmed it extricated more than 38 babies born with disabilities using either lethal injection or suffocation. The age of the victims ranged between a week to 3 months.

ISIS claims children suffering Down syndrome are born out of the marriage of 'foreign fighters' and Iraqi, Syrian and Asian women. 
Mosul Eye was reported saying, "as if it is not enough for ISIL (another name for ISIS) to kill men, women and the elderly, now they kill children."

The extremist militant group apparently share a common ideology with the Nazis, who too murdered disabled children, and perceived them to be a burden on the state.
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