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Petition to ban Trump from Britain tops 230,000
December 10, 2015
A petition to ban US presidential hopeful Donald Trump from Britain reached more than 230,000 signatures today after the Republican front runner called for a ban on Muslims entering the United States. 

The petition will now be considered for debate by parliament as it has over 100,000 signatures, and will receive a written government response. 

"The UK has banned entry to many individuals for hate speech. The same principles should apply to everyone who wishes to enter the UK," said the petition. 

Trump's comments have caused an outcry in Britain and prompted the Scottish government today to drop him as a business ambassador for the country, where he owns golf courses and hotels.

"Trump's recent remarks have shown that he is no longer fit to be a business ambassador for Scotland," a spokesman for the regional government said. 

Trump, whose mother was born in Scotland, took up the role in 2006.
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