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Revenge has started and the blood will flow: ISIS warns UK
December 06, 2015

The Islamic State terror group has threatened Britain with suicide bombings in a new video released as British MPs voted to extend airstrikes to Syria earlier this week.

"The revenge has started and the blood will flow. France was the beginning," warns the propaganda video released on Wednesday, the day MPs voted to extend airstrikes to Syria. 

In the footage, a fighter wielding an AK-47 and wearing an explosives belt praises the Paris attackers, who murdered 130 people, as "martyrdom-seeking lions who stormed the capital of France", 'The Sunday Times' reported.

Speaking in English, the fighter tells members of the anti-ISIS coalition in Syria and Iraq to back off or "there will be no safety in this world from our guns, from our bullets and from our explosives". 

Meanwhile, counter-terrorist police in the West Midlands said this weekend that they are examining links between Abdelhamid Abaaoud, the ringleader of the Paris attacks, and potential associates in Birmingham. 

This follows reports that "several people" from the city are suspected of being in contact with Abaaoud, a Belgian-Moroccan, and his gang before the Paris massacre on November 13.
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