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India to try derail Pak plans to get US weapons
December 06, 2015
Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar is likely to do some 'plain talking' on cross border terrorism by Pakistan and articulate India's stand on the situation in Afghanistan and the Middle East during a crucial meeting with his American counterpart Ashton Carter this week. 

Top Defence sources said Parrikar, at the meeting on December 9 and 10, will "plainly" tell the US that its policy of engaging Pakistan was not working. 

Parrikar will also be telling Carter that the American military and foreign policy in the Middle-East and Afghanistan "are not very sound" and not working properly, sources said. 

Parrikar, who is already in the US on his maiden visit as defence minister, will also express his concern over Islamabad's "threat" to use tactical nuclear weapons against India.

Parrikar's visit comes against the backdrop of reported US plans to sell eight F-16 fighters and 15 Bell AH 1Z Viper attack helicopters to Pakistan. 

He is also likely to articulate India's stand on this. 
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