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Rahul mulls over deputy leader of opposition
December 04, 2015

So, who will take over the mantle of deputy leader of the opposition in the Lok Sabha from Captain Amrinder Singh?

Sources tell us that Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi has been considering various names, but noone has been finalised.

Amarinder Singh, a former Punjab CM, is demitting office since he will now become the Punjab Pradesh Congress Committee chief.

MPs Jyotiraditya Scindia and Kamal Nath are in the race, and soucres tell us that Rahul's vote goes to Scindia. But Kamal Nath has a strong base of supporters in the Madhya Pradesh Congress and they will oppose Scindia.

The Congress cannot have KC Venugopal, a Kerala MP either, for two reasons. One is the recent corruption charges against him and second, since he is a south Indian MP, he cannot be chosen. That would make both the Leader of the opposition -- Mallikarjuna Kharge -- and deputy leader from south India, which is not acceptable to the party.

Rahul Gandhi is also looking at a young face. And that is MP Gaurav Gogoi from Assam. He is the son of Assam CM Tarun Gogoi, but is a first-timer in Parliament and is not familiar with the rules and regulations of Lok Sabha proceedings.

With these problems, Rahul wants to postpone the decision to the Budget session.

Pic: Tarun and Gaurav Gogoi vote during the Lok Sabha elections.
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