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US to move pro-Sri Lanka resolution at UNHRC
August 26, 2015
In a U-turn, the US today said it will move a pro-Sri Lanka resolution at the UNHRC ahead of a crucial report on alleged war crimes during the country's three-decade long civil war with the LTTE. Visiting US Assistant Secretary of State for Central and South Asia Nisha Biswal said the matter had already been discussed with the international community as there is a need to give the new Sri Lankan government time to address the human rights concerns.

Interestingly, it was a US-moved resolution that called for an international probe into alleged war crimes during the nearly three decade-long civil war that ended in 2009 and was adopted last year in the 47-member UN Human Rights Council. US was at the forefront in adopting a total of three resolutions at the UN human rights session on Sri Lanka and today's announcement marks a complete shift in US' stance.
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