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Modi's visit re-energises India-US ties: White House
October 03, 2014
Describing the just concluded United States visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi as extraordinarily successful, the White House has said that his meeting with President Barack Obama has re-energised the strategic relationship between the two largest democracies of the world.   

"In sum, I would say that the assessment on our part is that the Prime Minister's visit was extraordinarily successful. It has provided a boost in terms of the vision and focus that we have for our bilateral relations," Phil Reiner, senior director for India at the National Security Council, told a select group of foreign correspondents in Washington.   

"We're excited to be moving forward with a re-energised strategic partnership. The US continues to strongly support a prosperous India that plays an important role in the global stage, and I think the prime minister's visit really provided the opportunity for the two leaders to discuss that vision that's necessary in order to set the framework under which weare going to operate going forward," Reiner said.   

Modi met Obama at the White House this week and held talks on strengthening the bilateral ties.

Obama hosted Modi for a private dinner at the White House and the next day the two leaders met at the Oval Office. He also joined Modi when the latter visited the Martin Luther King Jr Memorial soon after their meeting.
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