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SC sets three-month deadline to complete Gulberg society massacre case
November 13, 2014

Gulberg Society massacre case: The Supreme Court asks trial court judge to complete proceedings in three months and asks for a daily hearing of the case.

The Gulberg Society was a Muslim pocket in Chamanpura, Ahmedabad. On February 28, 2002, a mob started gathering outside the society at 9 am and began shouting slogans. At noon, the mob began attacking residents.

Former Congress MP Ehsan Jafri tried to shelter people against the mob. An eyewitness has testified in court that Jafri repeatedly called the then Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi for help but was denied help. Jafri phoned 200 other people, including cops and bureaucrats, for help. Senior police officers allegedly refused to respond.

In the afternoon, a mob went into Jafri's house and set him on fire in front of his family, following which other people in the colony were then killed.
By the evening, 69 people had died.

On March 15 this year, Zakia Jafri (Ehsan Jafri's wife) moved the High Court against the Magistrate's order upholding the SIT's closure report. Her petition seeks "to make Modi and 59 others accused on charges of criminal conspiracy to commit a mass murder, arson...and also tampering with evidence and destroying records of the Gujarat Home Department".

The petition alleges that the Magistrate accepted SIT's closure report with a "non-application of mind". It also alleges that destruction of key records was carried out to ensure injustice to the victims, in which the Chief Minister's office and the state home department were allegedly involved.
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