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LIVE! Over 25 Delhi-bound flights diverted to Jaipur, Amritsar, Lucknow
May 30, 2014
Here's more from Delhi. Many trees have fallen across the city due to the strong winds, reported to be 92 km per hour. Power cuts have also been reported from some parts of the National Capital Region. The Yellow Line, which operates from HUDA City Centre to Jahangirpuri, saw a train halting near the Vishwavidyalaya in North Delhi.

Here's what tweets say"
@DuttaSank  Experiencing dust storm for the first time in Delhi...  @sibii6886  After 46 degree Temperature at Delhi, its Romantically Raining
@furobiker  Glass windows falling, tree branches flying. What happened to Delhi weather. Stay indoors.
@FaiHaider: First commercial A380 plane to land at Delhi airport today.
@AmbaAzaad  Ok people who live in places with floods, volcanos, cyclones, hurricanes, tsunamis, sharknados, WHATEVER. Delhi has a dust storm don't laugh.
@Bhaktiarora  Huge dust storm in Delhi NCR. Metro services at yellow line suspended temporarily. Most FM stations also shut.
@IndiaToday  At least 25 Delhi-bound flights diverted to nearby airports - Jaipur, Amritsar & Lucknow - due to storm.
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