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Indian-Americans co-champions of the Spelling Bee
May 30, 2014

Two Indian-Americans -- Sriram J Hathwar and Ansun Sujoe -- have scripted history by becoming co-champions of the prestigious Scripps National Spelling Bee, the first since 1962.        


This is the seventh consecutive year that Indian-Americans have retained the Scripps National Spelling Bee, which was watched live by millions of people in the US last night.      


An eighth grader from the Alternative School for Maths and Science, Sriram (14) is from New York, while Ansun (13) is a seventh grader from Texas.         In fact like last year, the last three contestants were Indian-Americans -- Sriram, Ansun and Gokul Venkatachalam from Missouri.        


"It's a dream come true," Sriram said soon after being declared the co-champion with Ansun.   "I was happy when I entered the final. I am even happier that I am the co-champion," said Ansun who correctly spelled "feuilleton" in the last 22nd round.        


And in the 21st round Sriram correctly spell "stichomythia." This was the fifth appearance for Sriram.

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