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Modi to meet Gujarat BJP MLAs today, focus now on his successor
May 13, 2014
Zee News reports: After months long hectic poll campaign and electoral strategy meetings with senior party leaders and RSS top brass, BJP's prime ministerial nominee Narendra Modi will on Tuesday hold a crucial meeting with his party MLAs in Gandhinagar. 

Today's meeting also gains significance as it comes a day after almost all exit polls predicted that the BJP led National Democratic Alliance will achieve its best ever tally in the elections while the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) will register its worst ever performance. 

According to sources, Modi had recently met RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat and BJP president Rajnath Singh and discussed the seat projections and exit poll data that have been supplied to party by all major external survey agencies and partys internal mechanism. 

Insiders claim that Modi had also sought guidance from the top brass on his future role in the event of three likely situations -- clear majority, near majority or no majority to NDA. In any eventuality, Modi has been told to shift his base to Delhi to play a national role, the name of next Gujarat Chief Minister, it is understood has also been discussed and finalized in meetings in Delhi. 

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