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HC hearing on Thackerays' property dispute today
January 27, 2014
Bombay high court will be hearing the multi-crore property dispute between sons of late Shiv Sena founder Bal Thackeray on Monday. 

The legal battle between the sons of late Shiv Sena patriarch started after his 'disputed' will, made in 2011, did not mention leaving any share of his property to the families of his elder sons Bindu Madhav and Jaidev, as per reports. 
While Bindu Madhav had died in a road mishap in 1996, Jaidev had never got along with his father and did not stay in the Thackeray's Bandra residence. 

The will reportedly mentions the names of Jaidevs ex-wife Smitas son Aishwarya and Uddhav who were given first and top floor of 'Matoshree' respectively. 

However, no property was left for Bindu Madhavs son Nihar as he didnt approve of his daughter in-law Madhavis erratic behaviour. 

Upset at being left out in the will, estranged son Jaidev questioned the truthfulness of the will and had moved the court against Uddhav for the control of property worth crores.
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