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5.8 earthquake hits Greek island; minor injuries
January 27, 2014
A strong earthquake with a preliminary 5.8-magnitude hit the Greek island of Kefalonia today, with local media reporting minor injuries to some residents and damage to buildings and roads. 

The temblor's epicenter was about 280 kilometers west of Athens, near the town of Lixouri on the island, and its depth was 17 kilometers, the Athens Geodynamic Institute said. 

A local news website,, reported some damage on roads and buildings in the towns of Lixouri and Argostoli, the island's largest. There have been some slight injuries from falls, and falling objects inside apartments. 

Local media reported several rock falls as well as damage to the local airport's control tower. 

One of the injured inhabitants, Kleon Moros, said that many of the local hospital's windows had been damaged and, as a result, patients needing X-rays had to be moved to another building.
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