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Tracing Ebola's breakout to an African 2-year-old
August 10, 2014

Patient Zero in the Ebola outbreak, researchers suspect, was a 2-year-old boy who died Dec. 6, just a few days after falling ill in a village in Gueckedou, in southeastern Guinea.


Bordering Sierra Leone and Liberia, Gueckedou is at the intersection of three nations, where the disease found an easy entry point to the region.A week later, it killed the boy's mother, then his 3-year-old sister, then his grandmother.


All had fever, vomiting and diarrhea, but no one knew what had sickened them.Two mourners at the grandmother's funeral took the virus home to their village. A health worker carried it to still another, where he died, as did his doctor.


They both infected relatives from other towns. By the time Ebola was recognized, in March, dozens of people had died in eight Guinean communities, and suspected cases were popping up in Liberia and Sierra Leone - three of the world's poorest countries, recovering from years of political dysfunction and civil war.In Gueckedou, where it all began, "the feeling was fright," said Dr. Kalissa N'fansoumane, the hospital director.


He had to persuade his employees to come to work.On March 31, Doctors Without Borders, which has intervened in many Ebola outbreaks, called this one "unprecedented," and warned that the disease had erupted in so many locations that fighting it would be enormously difficult.Now, with 1,779 cases, including 961 deaths and a small cluster in Nigeria, the outbreak is out of control and still getting worse.


Not only is it the largest ever, but it also seems likely to surpass all two dozen previous known Ebola outbreaks combined. Epidemiologists predict it will take months to control, perhaps many months, and a spokesman for the World Health Organization said thousands more health workers were needed to fight it.


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