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Aruna Roy slams UPA government on RTI amendments
September 05, 2013
A bill seeking to amend the Right To Information (RTI) Act to shield political parties from providing information under the transparency law is scheduled to come up for discussion in Lok Sabha on Monday.

The government has proposed an amendment in Section 2 of the act, which defines public authority, to shield the political parties.

The proposed amendments, if accepted by Parliament, will make it clear that the definition of public authority shall not include any political party registered under the Representation of the People Act, officials said.

Activist Aruna Roy has urged people to 1) Email the Speaker of the Lok Sabha, Smt. Meira Kumar. She has the power to refer this Bill to a standing committee and ensure that the public is consulted.

Below is a sample email you can send her ( with a copy to the Prime Minister (

Dear Madam,

I am writing this email to express my anguish over the proposed amendment to the RTI Act. The RTI Act has been a powerful tool for fighting corruption and I feel it is undemocratic to amend it without hearing the concerns of citizens. I therefore request you to refer this bill to a Standing Committee and thus enable more public discussion on this issue.

Thank you.
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