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Live! Patna blasts' survivor: There was blood everywhere, it was a nightmare
October 28, 2013
"It was like a nightmare, there was blood everywhere, people were crying in pain...," recalls Jitendra Kumar, one of the 83 injured in the serial blasts in Patna.

Jitendra is undergoing treatment at the Patna Medical College and Hospital and recalled that he heard an explosion while he was watching the TV screens installed for Narendra Modi's rally in the city. He doesn't remember anything after that.

"When I regained consciousness, I was in hospital," said Jitendra, a resident of Fatuha, a small town near Patna. He had a splinter in his chest and leg.

Jitendra, who is in his early 40s, repairs torches and padlocks. The daily wage-earner is worried about how his four children, wife and mother will survive as he will have to be in hospital for a few more days for treatment.  -- MI Khan in Patna. Detailed report on shortly.
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