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Live! China lays out eight-course lunch for PM after nine-MoU deal
October 23, 2013
Indian and China on Wednesday morning signed the Border Defence Co-operation Agreement in Beijing in a ceremony held at the Great Hall of the People. The agreement is a step forward in one of India's most important bilateral relations, and one of the most complex as well.

Immediately after the meeting, China's Premier Li Keqiang hosted a lunch for PM Dr Manmohan Singh. We are privy to the menu, exclusively created for the PM. The prime ministers's wife Gursharan Kaur was absent since the delegation went directly on to lunch.

The eight-course lunch began with Hors d'oeuvres, followed by sponge Bamboo and Mushroom Soup, Curry-flavoured prawns, Beancurd with vegetables, Grilled Grouper and a dessert selection of Sweet Potato Cream, Pastries and Fruit.

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