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Hillary Clinton: We need to talk sensibly about spying
October 12, 2013

Hillary Clinton has called for a "sensible adult conversation" to be held in a transparent way, about the boundaries of state surveillance highlighted by the leaking of secret NSA files by the whistleblower Edward Snowden.


In a boost to British deputy prime minister Nick Clegg, who is planning to start conversations within government about the oversight of Britain's intelligence agencies, the former US secretary of state said it would be wrong to shut down a debate.


Clinton, who is seen as a frontrunner for the 2016 US presidential election said at Chatham House in London: "This is a very important question. On the intelligence issue, we are democracies thank goodness, both the US and the UK. "We need to have a sensible adult conversation about what is necessary to be done, and how to do it, in a way that is as transparent as it can be, with as much oversight and citizens' understanding as there can be."


Read more on The Guardian

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