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Patna rally was a flop, Modi expert in lying: Nitish
November 11, 2013

Slamming Narendra Modi for his charge of 'criminal negligence of security' at his rally, Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar today dubbed his Gujarat counterpart as an "expert in cultivation of falsehood" and said terrorists in a way helped BJP in its "otherwise flop" rally.

"The incidence of serial blasts at the rally in Patna was most condemnable... But terrorists in a way helped BJP, otherwise its rally at Patna was flop in terms of size of crowd," he said.

"Had the blast not happened, everybody would have talked about the thin attendance at the Hoonkar rally for which BJP leaders had claimed it would be unprecedented in terms of size," Kumar said after the 'Janata Ke Darbar me Mukhya Mantri' programme.
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