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India concerned over provocative incursions by China: Khurshid
November 11, 2013
India is concerned about periodic provocative incursions by Chinese troops that have resulted in "eyeball-to-eyeball confrontations", but was hopeful that the border issues will eventually be settled. "Obviously, we are concerned about periodic steps that seem provocative or adverse to our interests," External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid said.

"But, of course, they (incursions) are occurring in the context of a different perception of what the Line of Control is and where it should be. The good news is that there hasn't been a casualty on the Chinese front for several years. There have been skirmishes and eyeball-to-eyeball confrontations, but no casualties", he said.

He believed the border issues will eventually be settled and peace and stability between India and China will become stronger over time, Khurshid said in an interview to The Australian.
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