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Live! Sadhu's Modi praise: Cong to take disciplinary action
August 17, 2013

Sadhu Yadav, the estranged brother-in-law of RJD chief Lalu Prasad Yadav, is set to face disciplinary action from the Congress for praising and meeting Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi.        


Sources in the party said that action against Yadav will follow soon but the party would prefer the matter to be a low key affair. "Action against him, if any, will be taken at district or state level. What is so big about him," averred a party functionary speaking on the condition of anonymity.        


After meeting Modi yesterday, Yadav, who had contested the last Lok Sabha election on Congress ticket, said the Gujarat Chief Minister has better qualities to become Prime Minister than Rahul Gandhi.        


AICC general secretary Shakeel Ahmed said, "I am not sure whether he (Yadav) is still in Congress or not. He had indeed contested the 2009 Lok Sabha election on Congress ticket and then assembly polls in October 2010. But after that we have not seen him active in party affairs."

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