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US facing utter defeat in Afghanistan: Taliban
September 11, 2012
US forces face 'utter defeat' in Afghanistan and Americans are unsafe wherever they go in the world, the Taliban said ahead of the anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks.

Eleven years ago Tuesday, almost 3,000 people lost their lives in the worst terror strike on American soil that saw two passenger planes hijacked by Al-Qaeda slam into New York's World Trade Center and another into the Pentagon. A fourth plane crashed in a Pennsylvania field.

What followed was a war in Afghanistan, launched over the Taliban's alliance with Al-Qaeda.

"The anniversary of 9/11 is approaching America this year at a time when it is facing utter defeat in Afghanistan militarily, politically, economically and in all other facets and it has exhausted all other means through which to prolong its illegal war," said a statement from the Afghan Taliban, the US-based SITE Intelligence Group said Monday.

The statement, which the Taliban wrote in English and posted on Sunday, goes on to say that the war in Afghanistan "under the pretext of retaliation for the September incident has no legal or ethical" basis, and that Afghans had "no hand" in what happened.
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